11th April 2024

How to Get Started with Personalised Number Plates

Key Highlights

  • Personalised number plates offer a unique way to customize your vehicle and make it stand out.
  • Understanding the different types of personalised number plates, such as dateless plates, prefix plates, and current style plates, is essential before making a purchase.
  • There are legal considerations and compliance requirements when it comes to personalised number plates, including DVLA requirements and regulations for size, font, and display.
  • The process of acquiring personalised plates involves finding the right plate, understanding the purchase process, completing the paperwork, and assigning the new plate to your vehicle.
  • Maintaining and transferring your personalised plate requires renewing your registration and understanding the process of transferring the plate to another vehicle.
  • Selling your personalised number plate involves valuing it accurately, marketing it effectively, and navigating the sale process with the help of a recognised DVLA reseller.


If you're looking to add a personal touch to your vehicle and make it truly unique, personalised number plates are the perfect way to do so. Personalised number plates, also known as private plates or cherished plates, allow you to customize your vehicle's registration number to reflect your personality, interests, or even your name. In this blog, we will guide you through the process of getting started with personalised number plates, from understanding the different types of plates to acquiring, maintaining, and even selling them.

Understanding Personalised Number Plates

Personalised number plates, also known as private plates, are registration numbers that you can customize to suit your preferences. These plates are issued by the Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) in the UK. A personalised number plate consists of a combination of letters and numbers that are unique to the registered owner. It allows you to add a personal touch to your vehicle and make it stand out on the road. The registration number on your personalised plate replaces the standard registration number assigned to your vehicle. It can be a great way to express your individuality and make your vehicle truly your own.

The Appeal of Customizing Your Plate

Customizing your number plate offers a range of benefits and appeals to many vehicle owners. Having a personalised number plate allows you to make your vehicle truly unique and stand out from the crowd. Whether you choose to display your name, initials, or a special combination of numbers and letters, a personalised plate gives your vehicle a touch of individuality. It can also be a great way to showcase your personal interests or hobbies. Moreover, a personalised plate can enhance the overall look of your vehicle, elevating it from ordinary to extraordinary. With a custom plate, you can make a statement and create a lasting impression wherever you go.

A Brief History of DVLA Registrations

DVLA registrations have a rich history that dates back to the early 1900s. The DVLA, or the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency, is responsible for issuing and regulating car registration plates in the UK. Car registration plates serve as a unique identifier for vehicles, and they have evolved over time to accommodate the growing number of vehicles on the road. The earliest registration plates, known as dateless plates, were introduced in 1903 and did not feature an age identifier. These plates were followed by suffix plates, prefix plates, and the current style plates that we see today. Each type of registration plate has its own unique format and design, and understanding the history of DVLA registrations can help you appreciate the significance and value of personalised number plates.

Types of Personalised Number Plates

When it comes to personalised number plates, there are different types to choose from. Understanding these types can help you find the perfect plate for your vehicle. The three main types of personalised number plates are dateless plates, prefix plates, and current style plates. Dateless plates do not have an age identifier, making them timeless and desirable. Prefix plates feature an age identifier at the beginning of the registration number, while current style plates follow a specific format with an age identifier in the middle. Each type of plate offers its own unique appeal and can be customized to suit your preferences.

Dateless Plates Explained

Dateless plates are highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts due to their timeless appeal. These plates do not feature an age identifier, allowing them to be used on any vehicle regardless of its age. Here are some key points about dateless plates:

  • Dateless plates consist of a combination of letters and numbers, with no specific format.
  • They were issued between 1903 and 1962, making them a popular choice for vintage and classic vehicles.
  • Dateless plates are often considered prestigious and can be a valuable investment.
  • They offer a unique opportunity to create a truly personalized plate without any restrictions based on age or vehicle model.
  • Dateless plates can be a perfect choice for those who want to express their individuality and make a statement on the road.

Prefix and Suffix Style Plates

Prefix and suffix style plates are another popular choice for personalised number plates. These plates feature an age identifier at the beginning or end of the registration number. Here are some key points about prefix and suffix style plates:

  • Prefix style plates were issued from 1983 to 2001 and feature an age identifier at the beginning of the registration number.
  • Suffix style plates were issued from 1963 to 1982 and feature an age identifier at the end of the registration number.
  • The age identifier on these plates can help determine the age of the vehicle.
  • Prefix and suffix style plates offer a wide range of options for customization, allowing you to create a plate that reflects your personality or interests.
  • These plates can be a great choice for those who want a balance between a personalised plate and an indication of the vehicle's age.

Current Style Plates: Understanding the Format

Current style plates are the most commonly seen type of personalised number plates on UK roads today. These plates follow a specific format and feature an age identifier in the middle of the registration number. Here are some key points about current style plates:

  • Current style plates were introduced in 2001 and will remain in use until 2050.
  • The registration format consists of two letters, followed by a two-digit age identifier, and ending with three random letters.
  • The age identifier changes every six months, in March and September.
  • The format of current style plates allows for a wide range of customization options, including names, initials, and combinations of numbers and letters.
  • These plates offer a modern and stylish look for your vehicle, while still providing a personal touch.

Preparing to Buy Your First Personalised Plate

Before purchasing a personalised number plate, there are a few important factors to consider. Here are some key points to keep in mind when preparing to buy your first personalised plate:

  • Set a budget for your personalised plate, considering the cost of the rights to the plate and any additional fees such as the DVLA transfer fee.
  • Research and choose a recognised reseller of DVLA registrations to ensure a safe and legitimate purchase.
  • Familiarize yourself with the legal requirements and regulations set by the DVLA for personalised number plates.
  • Obtain a retention document from the DVLA if you plan to transfer the plate to a different vehicle in the future.
  • Make sure the reseller you choose is regulated and authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) if you plan to finance your personalised plate purchase.

Budget Considerations

Setting a budget for your personalised number plate is an important step in the buying process. Here are some key points to consider when budgeting for your personalised plate:

  • Determine how much you are willing to spend on the rights to the plate. The cost can vary depending on factors such as popularity, desirability, and rarity of the plate.
  • Consider additional fees such as the DVLA transfer fee and any finance charges if you choose to finance the purchase.
  • Research the market to get an idea of the average prices for personalised number plates similar to the one you are interested in.
  • Keep in mind that personalised number plates can be a valuable investment and may appreciate in value over time.
  • Set a realistic budget that aligns with your financial goals and priorities.

Searching for Available Plates

When searching for personalised number plates, it is important to have access to a wide selection of options. Here are some key points to consider when searching for available plates:

  • Choose a recognised reseller of private number plates that offers a diverse selection of plates.
  • Use the reseller's search tool to enter your desired name, initials, or favourite numbers to find available plates that match your preferences.
  • The reseller should have access to a central database that includes a wide range of personalised number plates.
  • Look for a reseller that is a recognised reseller of unissued government stock, ensuring the legitimacy and authenticity of the plates.
  • Consider working with a reseller that has a team of experts who can provide guidance and assistance in finding the perfect personalised plate for you.

Step-by-Step Guide to Acquiring Personalised Plates

Acquiring personalised number plates involves several steps. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

Step 1: Finding the Right Plate

The first step in acquiring personalised number plates is finding the right plate that suits your preferences. Here are some key points to consider during this step:

  • Use the search tools provided by recognised resellers of DVLA registrations to find available plates that match your desired name, initials, or favourite numbers.
  • Browse through the options and take note of plates that catch your attention.
  • Consider the format and style of the plate to ensure it aligns with your vehicle and personal taste.
  • Take into account your budget and any additional fees associated with the plate.
  • Consult with the reseller's sales team for guidance and assistance in finding the perfect personalised plate for you.

Step 2: Understanding the Purchase Process

Once you have found the right personalised plate, the next step is understanding the purchase process. Here are some key points to consider during this step:

  • Choose a recognised reseller of DVLA registrations that offers a secure and transparent purchase process.
  • Work with the reseller's sales team to understand the details of the purchase, including the cost of the plate and any additional fees.
  • Provide the necessary documentation, such as vehicle registration details, to initiate the purchase process.
  • Ensure that the purchase is conducted in compliance with the regulations set by the DVLA and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), if applicable.
  • Take advantage of any financing options offered by the reseller, if needed.

Step 3: Completing the Purchase and Paperwork

Completing the purchase and paperwork is an essential step in acquiring personalised number plates. Here are some key points to consider during this step:

  • Review and sign any necessary documents provided by the recognised reseller of DVLA registrations.
  • Provide payment for the personalised plate, including the cost of the rights to the plate and any additional fees.
  • Ensure that all paperwork is completed accurately and in compliance with the regulations set by the DVLA.
  • Obtain a retention document from the DVLA if you plan to transfer the plate to a different vehicle in the future.
  • Keep copies of all documentation related to the purchase for your records.

Step 4: Assigning Your New Plate to a Vehicle

Once you have completed the purchase and paperwork, the final step is to assign your new personalised plate to a vehicle. Here are some key points to consider during this step:

  • Follow the vehicle registration process set by the DVLA to assign your new personalised plate to your vehicle.
  • Ensure that you have all the necessary documentation, including the retention document if applicable.
  • Submit the required paperwork to the DVLA, either online or by mail, to complete the assignment process.
  • Once the assignment is approved by the DVLA, you will receive a new registration document and number plates displaying your personalised plate.
  • Install the new number plates on your vehicle and enjoy the personal touch that your personalised plate adds to your vehicle.

Legal Considerations and Compliance

When it comes to personalised number plates, there are legal requirements and compliance standards that must be met. Here are some key points to consider regarding legal considerations and compliance:

DVLA Requirements for Number Plates

The DVLA has specific requirements for number plates that must be followed. Here are some key points regarding DVLA requirements for number plates:

  • Number plates must be made by a registered supplier and comply with DVLA standards.
  • Plates must be made of reflective material and display black characters on a white background on the front of the vehicle and black characters on a yellow background on the rear.
  • The characters on the plate must be of a specific height and width and have the correct spacing.
  • The number plate must display the registration number clearly and be easily readable from a distance.
  • Failure to comply with DVLA requirements for number plates can result in fines, MOT failure, and the loss of the registration number.

Size, Font, and Display Regulations

In addition to the general requirements set by the DVLA, there are specific regulations regarding the size, font, and display of number plates. Here are some key points regarding size, font, and display regulations:

  • Number plates must be a specific size, with a standard height and width.
  • Characters on the plate must be of a specific font and size, with the correct spacing between them.
  • No additional characters or symbols are allowed on the plate, except for the Euro symbol and national flags for certain purposes.
  • Number plates must be displayed in a specific location on the vehicle, such as on the front and rear.
  • Failure to comply with size, font, and display regulations can result in fines, MOT failure, and the loss of the registration number.

Maintaining and Transferring Your Personalised Plate

Once you have acquired a personalised number plate, it's important to understand how to maintain and transfer it when necessary. Here are some key points to consider for maintaining and transferring your personalised plate:

Renewing Your Plate Registration

Renewing your plate registration is an important part of maintaining your personalised number plate. Here are some key points to consider regarding renewing your plate registration:

  • Plate registrations typically need to be renewed every 12 months.
  • The process of renewing your plate registration involves submitting the necessary paperwork and paying the renewal fee.
  • Failure to renew your plate registration can result in the loss of the registration number and the plate becoming available for others to purchase.
  • The DVLA will send you a renewal reminder before your plate registration expires to ensure that you have ample time to renew.

Transferring Your Plate to Another Vehicle

If you decide to transfer your personalised plate to another vehicle, there is a specific process to follow. Here are some key points regarding transferring your plate to another vehicle:

  • Complete the appropriate DVLA forms for transferring your personalised plate to the new vehicle.
  • Provide the necessary documentation, including the retention document if applicable, to initiate the transfer process.
  • Ensure that both vehicles involved in the transfer have valid MOT certificates and road tax.
  • Pay any applicable transfer fees and complete the transfer process within the specified timeframe.
  • The table below outlines the transfer process for transferring your personalised plate to another vehicle:

Column Name A

Column Name B

Step 1

Complete DVLA forms for transferring the plate to the new vehicle

Step 2

Provide necessary documentation, including retention document if applicable

Step 3

Ensure both vehicles have valid MOT certificates and road tax

Step 4

Pay transfer fees and complete the transfer process within the specified timeframe

Selling Your Personalised Number Plate

If you decide to sell your personalised number plate, there are several factors to consider. Here are some key points regarding selling your personalised number plate:

Valuation and Marketing Tips

Getting an accurate valuation and effectively marketing your personalised number plate are crucial for a successful sale. Here are some key points regarding valuation and marketing tips:

Navigating the Sale Process

Navigating the sale process of your personalised number plate requires careful consideration and working with a recognised DVLA reseller. Here are some key points regarding navigating the sale process:


Personalised number plates are a unique way to add a personal touch to your vehicle. Understanding the appeal, types, and legal considerations is crucial before diving into this customization journey. Budgeting for your plate and navigating the purchase process are key steps. Remember to comply with DVLA regulations and maintain your plate properly. Whether you are renewing, transferring, or selling your personalised plate, knowing the process and valuations is essential. If you're considering this customization, follow the steps diligently to acquire and enjoy your one-of-a-kind plate.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I put any personalised plate on my vehicle?

Yes, you can put any personalised plate on your vehicle as long as it meets the legal requirements set by the DVLA. However, there are restrictions based on the vehicle model and the age of your vehicle.

How long does the transfer process take?

The transfer process for personalised number plates typically takes 10-15 working days when all necessary paperwork is submitted correctly. Online transfers can be faster, usually completed almost immediately.